Do you know which path God has ordered for you?
Use the blog to tell us about it. God has an ordered path for each of us. Are you working in that path? Have you found your path? (Ephesian1:11-12).
This site is dedicated to share short 15 minutes podcast teaching on what the Bible says about the camino/path God has for all of us.
We love to hear your thoughts about your destination.
Welcome to El Camino - The Path Ministries
El Camino is a non profit ministry with the only goal to share Gods word by providing free podcast to anyone. Included is a news letter with information about our status for the quarter.
As a non profit ministry we rely 100% on God touching your heart to give so we can continue delivering podcast for free.
Because we believe that everyone should be supported in their God given task, their path, we love answering your feedback in the blogs.
May YHWH greatly direct your path.
February 28, 2022
Prayer Hour
Colonial Heights, VA
March 18, 2022
Testimony Session
Next Pod Cast - Why do I believe in predestination and what does it mean?
Predestination 1 of 8
The study of predestination
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